TANAKA WORK: German WWII Mauser 98K All metal with real wood stock and integrated scope mount + ZF41 Scope Option Nicely detailed with Waffen Markings / Firing Model with Real Look Firing Cartridges
Tanaka Works WWII German Mauser 98K Firing Model in practically brand new condition !! One of the best 98K's made nicely detailed as see in photos above. in unused condition, unfired... Excellent throughout ! Practically brand new !! Includes: Original box, original instructions, 5x Unused/Unfired Tanaka Works 7.92mm Firing cartridges with 1x stripper clip. Cartridges take 1x 7mm PFC primer cap (not included). All functions, works / fieldstrips exactly same as per the original. Very nicely detailed with German Waffen stamping / markings (Photos above are of the actual 98K for sale) Operates just like the real thing, working 3 position safety (winged safety lever works like the real thing), adjustable sight, rotating sliding bolt. Load the five metal 7.92mm cartridges into integral box magazine, cycle the bolt to load first round into the breach, pull trigger (fire!), pull bolt back, eject `spent` cartridge, push rotating bolt forward and load next round into the breach and so on. Functions, Field-strips like the real thing ! Construction: All metal with real wood stock. Action: Manually operated, rotating bolt Weight: 3.9 Kilograms (same as real 98K) Open barrel for venting smoke Magazine capacity: 5 rounds in integral box magazine We ship internationally. Any questions please let us know : sales@mg-props.co.uk PFC Primer caps: £9.50 per box (1 box = 100 PFC caps) These are what makes the bang and smoke (For Firing versions)
Tanaka: ZF41 Sniper Scope : 165.00 GBP
Rifle carry bag (made in U.S.A) :
34.95 GBP
Reproduction 98K sling :
The 98 series was an extremely popular repeater rifle. It was used in the First World War in its longer form, and was then cut down in size and used in the Second World War in its new form as the 98k (k=kurz or short in English). Every soldier fighting for Germany had at least trained with this rifle, and for hundreds of thousands it had been their only weapon throughout the war. The casings were pushed through the box magazine from above to load the weapon, and held in place by a turning cylinder lock. The 98k could also be used as a snipers weapon by attaching a ZF41 2.5x Scope or a ZF42 5x scope to the rifle. The 98k could also fire explosive or armor piercing grenades by the attachment of a shot cup to the end of the rifle. This was done by one man in a rifle squad who was trained to set up and fire them and carried the ammunition. Other grenades also existed, such as propaganda grenades, but were used to a much lesser degree. The genius of Paul Mauser will live for as long as bolt-action rifles exist! Such is the strength, power, and appearance of the famous K-98. Every modern bolt-action rifle is patterned after the famous “Mauser Action”. The Mauser company, established by the two Mauser brothers, Mauser works became the standards against which all others designs are judged, even after some 100 years after its introduction. One of such designs, is undoubtfully a Mauser model 1898 rifle, also known as Gew. 98 or simply G98 (G = Gewehr, rifle in German). This rifle was designed from the experience, gained on previous Mauser designs, and was first appeared in 1898 as a standard German army infantry rifle. It was carried by Germans through the First World war, along with carbine shortened version, known as K98 (or Kar-98, from Karbiner = carbine The model 98 rifle is a manually operated, magazine fed, bolt action rifle. The magazine and the bolt action are the two most famous features of the model 98. Magazine is a two-row, integral box, with quickly detachable floorplate. Magazine could be topped either with single rounds, by pushing rounds into the receiver top opening, or via the stripper clips. Each clip can hold 5 rounds, enough to fill the magazine, and is inserted into the clip guides, machined into the rear receiver bridge. After the loading, empty clip is ejected automatically when bolt is closed. Magazine could be unloaded by operating the bolt (safety must be in the middle position!) or by removing the magazine floorplate Model 98 rifle featured a one-piece wooden stock with semi-pistol grip. Gew 98 and Kar 98K differ not only in the length of the barrel and the front part of the stock - they also have different sling mountings. While Gew 98 has two sling swivels, the K98k has only one, forward swivel. Instead of the rear swivel there's a through cut in the buttstock, through which the sling is passed. Those rifles also have different rear sights: Gew 98 have a curved, tangent sight, while K98k has more modern, leaf type rear sight. Front sights are of open, barleycorn type, on some carbines with removable semi-circular front sight hoods.
Data for Mauser K98 carbine (data for Gew.98 in