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Metal Revolvers

Metal Colt SAA.45's Colt S.A.A. .45 HW Abs

S.A.A Sheriff Peacemaker Civilian Peacmaker Artillery Peacemaker Cavalry BuntLine Special Civilian Nickel Nickel Civilian Nickel SAA .45 5 1/2in Nickel Artillery Cavalry Nickel Civilian+Pearl Grips Civilian HWS Artillery hws Artillery+Pearl Grips S.A.A.45 CAW Artillery S.A.A .45 Cavalry Rampant Cavalry 1884 DFC FastDraw Special Fastdraw Special nickel Colt Bilsey Sheriff Colt Bisley 4 3/4in Colt Bisley 5 1/2in Colt Bisley 7 1/2in Colt Bisley .455 Eley S.A.A. .357 Civilian S.A.A. Frontier Tanaka Cavalry Nickel 7in Tanaka Ranger Artillery B-Grade Cavalry B-Grade FastDraw Custom HWS Artillery Wyatt Earp Revolver Civilian Steel Finish Artillery Steel Finish Cavalry Steel Finish Texas Paterson 4in Texas Paterson 7in M1877 Lightning




 4 3/4in barrel with real wood grips


Rare HWS: 1836 Colt Texas Paterson Revolver

Functions, strips like the real thing!

Weight approx:  540g

Barrel Length approx:  4 3/4in

Vents from end of barrel

ABS Heavyweight

In very good condition, works great!!

Includes real wood grips.  No original box.

We ship Internationally. Please ask for shipping quote :  sales@mg-props.co.uk

UK Customer this item is VCRA exempt.

PFC Primer caps:  

 £9.50 per box  (1 box = 100 PFC caps)  These are what makes the bang and smoke


When Sam Colt introduced the Paterson, most firearms were single shot muzzle loaders—and flintlocks at that.  It was in the 1830’s that the percussion cap became prevalent.  It was this innovation that made guns like the Paterson possible.

The Paterson is a five-shot revolver that was made in .28 and .36 calibers. They had a variety of barrel lengths and were single action.  The Paterson design did not have a trigger guard, and instead used a folding trigger.  And the early models had to be broken down to load and then loaded with a tool.

The Colt Paterson 1836 was the first revolver to incorporate Samuel Colt's patented revolver mechanism, and thus the first weapon that could be called a revolver in the modern sense. While hand-advanced flintlock revolvers date back hundreds of years earlier and Colt is believed to have been inspired by the flintlock revolver designs of Elisha Collier, Colt's was the first to connect the actions of advancing and locking the cylinder to cocking the hammer, and also incorporated percussion cap ignition, the most advanced method of the day.

It was far better than the cheap revolver "Pepperbox" derringers of the time, which Mark Twain famously remarked were safer to stand in front of than anywhere else. The gun's full potential was realized when Texas Rangers on horseback used them to effectively dispatch renegade Indians with them and soon the pistol was a hit. Once the loading lever was added to the design, the gun became much easier to load and even more popular before being phased out by better Colt designs such as the Colt Dragoon series.

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