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1911 Pistols

1911 Government .45 Government .45 Silver M1911A1 U.S. Army M1911A1 U.S. Army M1911A1 U.S. Army M1911 Argentine M1911 U.S. Parka M1911A1 Singer M1911A1 Ithaca M1911A1 ComMil M1911A1 Transition M1911A1 US&S 1911 Remington Rand M1911A1 1912 M1911A1 (1917) 1911 WWI 1911 WWII WWII Europe 1911 EarlyModel M1911 UMC M1911A1 Norinco CAW 1924 TRANS M1911-A1 Parka 1911 Tactical 1911 KimberII Colt MKIII Maxi-Comp 1911 FBI Special 1911 MEU Springfield .38 Super M1911A1 Springfield SA1911 V12 Kimber SWAT 1911 C.Q.B. 1911 Cone M1991A1 M1991A1 Commander 1911 Engraved Colt MKIV 1911series70 1911 S70silver MKIV S80 SILVER Combat Elite V10 Ultra Compact 1911 National Match 1911 National Match US NationalMatch 1911 Gold Cup Detonics Combat Master Combat Commander Combat 38 Colt Officer .45 Delta Elite .32ACP Auto Colt Woodsman 22lr Colt Pocket .25 Colt .25 (silver) Colt.25silenced 1911 Accessories

175 GBP  /  $210 USD  /  195 Euros

Metal Y.T Corp.


Available in silver or black


Y.T Corp. Metal:   COLT POCKET .25

Brand new. Includes original box / instructions, 6rd magazine, 5x reusable 6.35mm blowback cartridges.   Please note price is for one Colt .25 in either black or silver.

     Functions, Fires, Field strips Exactly like the real thing.
     Caliber:   6.35mm blowback cartridges - reusable   -   5 included  : and fires 1 shot 6.35mm fire and forget disposable cartridges  (see accessories below)
     Weight with empty magazine: 435g

      Approx. Dimensions:  Length:   115mm     /   Height:  80mm

     Magazine Capacity:   6

     Open Barrel for venting 
     Power:  5mm PFC cap Blowback and 1 shot disposable cartridges (see below)
     Materials:  Metal

Any questions:

Brief Info on the Colt Pocket .25

The .25 Automatic has fairly high velocity for such a small cartridge. However, the energy it delivers at any range is quite low. This, combined with the full metal jacketed bullet, adds up to a very poor stopping or killing power on anything. The .25 Auto is not powerful enough for hunting anything but pests, nor is it adequate for serious self defense. However, the .25 auto caliber pistols are popular because of their small size and low cost. The principal usefulness is as a threat, because no one wants to get shot if it can be avoided, even with the little 25.

This cartridge was introduced in the United States in 1908 with the Browning-designed, Colt manufactured, 25 Vest Pocket Ammunition pistol. It was introduced in Europe a few years earlier in the F.N Baby Browning, which is practically identical to the Colt. The design of these two pistols has been copied by manufacturers all over the world. Literally dozens of different pistols have used this cartridge. The original Browning is still made (for European consumption), but Colt did not resume manufacture of their Vest Pocket model after World War II. American Arms, Beretta, Iver Johnson, Jennings,Lorcin, Phoenix Arms, Sundance, Taurus, Ortgies, Astra, Star, and Walther have all made pistols in this caliber.

PFC Primer caps:   £9.50 per box  (1 box = 100 PFC caps)  These are what what the bang and crates the blowback to eject the shell

1 shot 6.35mm disposable cartridges:   £0.28p each  : (1 shot pre-loaded ready to fire disposable cartridge)

Reusable 6.35mm blowback cartridges:  £1.35 GBP each

Spare Magazines £13.45 GBP each

Real Look Dummy Bullets £2.85 GBP each 


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